Sunday, November 4, 2007


So I was thinkin about it today and realized that I had said that I was gonna post a few blogs on my new job @ Starbucks :) It's been about a month and 1/2 now and honestly I am just starting to get the hang of the job! All of you who think that you might be getting of easy by having a job at a Starbucks are lying to yourselves! haha all of the people that I have talked to at work said that it takes forever to get accustomed to the job and really know your way around. There is way more stuff to remember than I ever imagined and you know all those complicated orders that people do??? Yea...not fun! So all you people that order Quad Venti nonfat 1/2 decaf no-foam 1 pump white chocolate one pump vanilla no whip no water Espressos.........get a life!!!!!!!!! All in all though....its starting to appeal to me...and I'm definately learning to at least like it.


glowbug said...

Just remember the tip jar is your best friend, if you start to feel the coffee-aholics geting the best of you

Tami said...

I love starbucks! It's nice to get the "inside scoop" about the job. Everyone always thinks it looks so easy to work at starbucks, but it is a job and most jobs are hard work (most of them). I can't believe people order such crazy drinks either. Mine is a simple tea or an occasional coffee. Thanks for sharing your working experience! :o)